Triple “A” Leadership

Effective leaders manage themselves first, then lead others. They know how to stay energized and keep themselves centered when working with others. It’s not always easy, but applying the principles of this “Triple ‘A’ Leadership” model/memory aid can help with meeting the demands of leadership …

Attitude – is what enables you to get up after being knocked down. Beyond optimistic, effective leaders are positive thinkers, i.e. solution-oriented, objective, supportive, imaginative, enthusiastic and open-minded. Such thinking avoids taking a difficult situation directly down a rabbit hole – or a dark hole to nowhere! Highly successful managers and leaders extend their positive attitude into an intentional mindset – they grow it into a habit. They understand how their attitude provides energy for both themselves and others, thus multiplying the positive effects for their teams and the workplace.

Action – is the opposite of sticking your head in the sand (or waiting and hoping things will get better) … it’s taking initiative. However, meaningful action is not just about doing something – it’s about doing the right thing, doing it well, and making sure action leads to results. Communicating effectively, engaging others in problem-solving, experimenting, taking risks, and removing obstacles so others can move forward – all with a goal in mind – are purposeful actions. Most importantly, taking action is deliberate. Highly successful managers and leaders know that the right action leads to momentum, which is necessary for achieving results.

Accountability – is owning everything you say and do. Holding yourself accountable for everything is difficult; more difficult than holding others accountable. However, the benefits of accepting total accountability are enormous. Being 100% accountable allows you to make mistakes, and move on to problem resolution; it provides you freedom of thought by identifying and eliminating distracting activities (noise!); it increases confidence and competence by ditching unproductive behaviors that limit progress and connection with others; and, perhaps most importantly, enables you to focus on the essential actions (see above) that contribute to results and fulfillment. Being 100% accountable begins with accepting reality for what it is, and understanding who you really are (strengths and limitations) so you can continue to learn and grow. It’s the doorway to total freedom.

Leadership requires continuous self-management coupled with a realistic understanding of one’s self. No one ever said leadership is easy … but keeping the triple A’s of leadership in mind, and acting on them, will make it somewhat easier.

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